Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Real Estate Gurus

We have all seen them making fantastic promises that you will be financially free in 90 days. The sales pitch is so intoxicating that you would probably get a DUI if you were driving your vehicle. Less then fifthteen minutes into the infomercial your calling the toll-free number giving them your credit card information. A week goes by, there is excitement in the air you can't wait to get started you are already making plans on how your going to spend your new wealth. Finally your material has arrived.

You go over the material the lesson's are easy to understand. The guru promise you'll be up and in business in less then 30-90 days. You have finish the lesson's in just a week.

You are ready to go out and make a killing buying and selling real estate. Two weeks, three, four even two months have gone by no deals. You have even went back over the course to make sure you have everything covered. The excitement you felt a couple of months ago has turned into anger and self doubt. You smell a rat, the guru has taken you for 2-300 dollars of worthless material.

This scenario plays out everyday with people looking to be financially free and they actually think that they can do this with just 20-30 minutes of work put into it a day. No wonder that's why these gurus are making a killing selling this pie in the sky B.S. It takes hard work to succeed in being a real estate investor. Don't fall prey to these slick-oil salesmen.

If you are starting out in real estate investing the first thing to do is educate yourself about your area market. Understand that 20-30 minutes of work will not cut it if you are starting out. If you do decide to buy a real estate course from a guru make sure you have done your homework before spending your hard earn money on a course. All real estate gurus are not bad. There are some out there that have pretty good material for the money.

Don't give up your money to a high profile real estate guru unless you know that you can get a full refund. Also check and see if the guru is a active real estate investor themselves. If he is selling course's and traveling and speaking at seminars all over the country, how does he have time to invest in real estate? Besides most of the material you purchase from some of these gurus you can get for free online.