Monday, September 8, 2008

How Rude Realtors are Ruining Real Estate Transactions

Did you know that real estate sales agents are on the bottom of the professional ‘trust’ scale, this-close to used car sales people? Have you or someone you know had an unfortunate experience with real estate sales agents?This perception of not trusting agents has not changed in over thirty years. I am here to tell you why and how to handle these agents.

Real estate sales agents have gotten lazy - or cheap. It is no wonder that For Sale by Owners, reduced-fee realty companies, and the internet are taking over as THE place to buy and sell real estate.

If real estate agents were living in the land of abundance they would hire an assistant to do all they work they seemingly do not like to do: return phone calls, place signs on properties, show up for open houses, and keep appointments.

How do I know all this, you may ask? I have interviewed many buyers, sellers and successful real estate agents.

But what did I learn that could help you and real estate agents who will read this article? Listed below are four challenges and solutions for the real estate professional, as well as the seller or buyer of real estate.

1) Real estate agents do not know how to tell time.

When they say they will be by in an hour, and three hours go by, you begin to wonder. Solution: When they call to set up an appointment to view your home for sale, get their cell phone, office phone and the spelling of their names. If they do not visit you home within the allocated time, you call them. Also, make sure they contact you fifteen minutes prior showing up so you can be prepared. Of course, if you are not home, no problem. If they do not show up, call your agent to report them, then contact their broker. There is integrity involved in real estate licensing, and their broker has a responsibility. Agents can keep their word or call ahead to say they will be late. Common courtesy, sometimes, not so common, must be adhered to.

2) Real estate agents are impatient.

Once they get the listing of your home, there is a rush at the beginning of the contract. Open Houses for the public as well as for other realtors to preview are abundant. But once that first offer comes in and you do not respond post haste, they start to push you. Now, when I shop for something, I might take a day or two, or even longer. If I am looking for a car, for instance, I will do great deal of research as to type, price, color, and year of make. But when an impatient realtor places an offer before you, they give you about thirty minutes to decide. Most people take longer to buy a pair of shoes, let alone selling their home!

Buying or selling a home is the largest deal you will ever make in your life. Take the time you need, ask your agent to back off and give you some space, and do not be intimidated by anyone. It’s your money. Agents can trust the process, trust themselves as well as their sellers or buyers. Remember, this is one of the biggest deals that people will make in their lifetime. Be patient and ask your agent to be professional and respectful.

3) Sometimes real estate agents lie!

There is plenty of competition in the real estate industry. Agents want all the prospects that come in to the Open House as theirs; they will undermine you to get that listing and not think a teeny tiny moment about saying that Hey, that house is already sold! to get people to buy their own listings.

If you discover that an agent has lied, call them up, whether you are another agent or a homeowner. It is your property, your listing, and your responsibility to meet them head on. Nobody will be on your side except you, the owner. Your agent is sometimes more worried about keeping the peace because most real estate communities are small and tight. Remember the agent is a professional and should act like one. Hear that agents?

4) When real estate agents become pushy.

If you as a buyer are taking too long to purchase, or as a seller, your listing has been on the market more than sixty days, many agents go bonkers and start getting pushy. Why does this happen? Agents will tell you, and some statistics back this up, that if your home does not sell in the first sixty days, interest will wane. Possibly. However, there becomes this great push for you to reduce your home. The question then becomes, Why did you tell me to list the property at this price to begin with? Well, there is no clear answer, because the bottom line of all real estate transactions is willing Seller, willing Buyer. That’s it. For the buyer, if you do not purchase immediately, some agents get angry. They look at all the time they have spent with you and wonder why you are not taking action.

The solution for the selling agent is to communicate to the seller in the beginning and say, hey, if your home does not sell in the first sixty days, there may be some outside influences we cannot predict and action must be taken. Sellers will at least feel as if they are somewhat in charge of the situation. As for buyers who are being pushed to purchase, agents must train the buyer.

The best time to buy is yesterday, not tomorrow. Interest rates and sales prices are almost irrelevant. What is relevant is the relationship between the buyer and the buyer’s agent. Establish a relationship of trust and all will be well. Start pushing and all will be stressful. Agents - take heed and remember that you are a professional.

Not all real estate agents fall into the above categories. As in any business, a few bad apples spoil the rest. But real estate agents have not been low on the trust totem poll without reason.

As agents, remember that you are or should be a professional. If necessary, take communication classes so you are better able to interact with your client and facilitate a great relationship.

As a buyer or seller, you are in charge. Hard to believe but it is true. You are in charge of your life, your money, and your rights. If someone pushes you around, don’t blame them if you are unwilling to accept responsibility. It becomes too easy to blame the other guy. That’s why real estate agents may still not be looked upon as the most trustworthy of people.

The solution? Respect yourself. As an agent, respect the professional inside yourself. Respect your buyers and sellers. Buyers and sellers, respect your time, energy and money. Take responsibility for your own actions, ask the agent for what you want and have yourselves successful transactions.