Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Illinois Real Estate

resident Abraham Lincoln lived in Illinois for 17 years. He only left the place when he became the President of a country on the brink of the infamous civil war. Frances Elizabeth Willard of Illinois was also the prime mover for the women’s fight for the right of suffrage. Illinois (Springfield) was the site where U.S. Grant first gathered troops for the Civil War. A colorful history places Illinois among the places to see in America. For the kids and the not-so-young at heart, the home of Superman exists in Metropolis, Illinois.


Located along the north-central of the U.S. Illinois is bounded on the north by Wisconsin, Iowa and Missouri on the west. Kentucky takes up the southern border and Indiana in the east. The Mississippi River almost takes up the western boundary.


The ideal location of Illinois gave way to the installation of first rate transportation infrastructure and world class educational centers. Illinois promises to be a good place to do business. Illinois is into warehousing, manufacturing, agriculture, banking, food, and chemicals. Industries also concentrate on fabricated metals, computers, electronics, plastics and rubber. Transportation equipments are also manufactured in Illinois.

Technology and Infrastructure
144 university-based research centers
71 federal research centers
Argonne National Laboratory is a leading federal laboratory prioritizing in technology and biotechnology


Illinois leads in the financial industry. It is the site of over 2,300 commercial banks. It has 2,000 insurance carriers, and 175 insurance carriers. The state has the financial capability of providing capital funding for commercial and industrial development.


Corn is the major agricultural produce of the state. This is followed by soybeans and feed grains. Illinois is the top five producers of swine in America. Livestock, dairy and poultry are also major income generating resources.


Illinois offers a choice of schools and universities. These offer varied programs from four-year programs to associate degrees. There are also online schools made available to interested students.

Sights to see

Donley’s Wild West Town (Addison) – a recreated mining operation where you can watch the shows and get a ride on the C.P. Huntington Locomotive

American Indian Burial Grounds (Albany) – The burial mounds are recognized as historic sites

Mississippi River (Albany) – The river made famous by Mark Twain. The river is one of America’s largest river systems

Alto Vineyards (Alto) – Red and white wines can be sampled on site

Snowstar Winter Sports Park (Andalusia) - Skiing pleasure and fun

Arlington Park (Arlington) – Thoroughbred racing

The Creole House (Prairie du Rucher) – See the French creole house built in 1800 and experience the lifestyle of the past

lllinois Waterway Visitor Center and Museum - Watch towboats along the Illinois River. The center provides learning tours about the locks and dams controlling the water flow along the Illinois & Michigan Canal.

Illinois Real Estate

An Illinois real estate is patronized by many. Of course the reason for this is obvious. And that is because an Illinois real estate is near to all the good things that can only be found in Illinois, such as tourists attractions, excellent education, agriculture, technological, and industrial facilities.

How Much Does My Real Estate Agent Need To Know?

Real estate agents would say that the more you tell them, the better they can negotiate on your behalf. However, the degree of trust you have with an agent may depend upon their legal obligation. Agents working for buyers have three possible choices: They can represent the buyer exclusively, called single agency, or represent the seller exclusively, called sub-agency, or represent both the buyer and seller in a dual-agency situation.

Some states require agents to disclose all possible agency relationships before they enter into a residential real estate transaction. Here is a summary of the three basic types:

1. In a traditional relationship, real estate agents and brokers have a fiduciary relationship to the seller. Be aware that the seller pays the commission of both brokers, not just the one who lists and shows the property, but also to the sub-broker, who brings the ready, willing and able buyer to the table. It most cases you will have 2 broker’s splitting the commission.

* Dual agency exists if two agents working for the same broker represent the buyer and seller in a transaction. A potential conflict of interest is created if the listing agent has advance knowledge of another buyer's offer. Therefore, the law states that a dual agent shall not disclose to the buyer that the seller will accept less than the list price, or disclose to the seller that the buyer will pay more than the offer price, without express written permission. Many times it makes sense to “assign” someone in your office one side of the transaction, thus assures there is no conflict of interest.

* A buyer also can hire his or her own agent who will represent the buyer's interests exclusively. Sometimes a buyer's agent must be paid out of the buyer's own pocket but the buyer can trust them with financial information, knowing it will not be transmitted to the other broker and ultimately to the seller. More often the seller pays both the selling broker and the buyer’s broker.

Investing In Real Estate

Once you purchase your first home you realize the satisfaction in owning a piece of real estate. For many people their interest doesn’t stop there and they decide they’d like to continue investing in real estate beyond the home they live in.

Investing in property can be a dynamic way of making extra income. For many people their investing experiences allow them to work less at their 9 to 5 job and instead devote more time to producing an income from their investments.

The first thing you need to consider if you look towards investing in the real estate market is what types of properties your dollars should be spent on. There are two choices that you’ll probably want to research. One is residential properties and the other is commercial properties.

Residential property includes everything from single family homes to multi-family dwellings. If you decide on investing in the purchase of a single family home, you’ll be planning on renting it out. In this case you might act as the landlord yourself, taking care of completing the necessary paperwork, including a rental contract as well as collecting rent payments.

If you decide on this route, you might be investing more than just your money. You’ll also be investing quite a bit of time, not only showing the property to prospective tenants but also coming to their rescue if there is a problem. Problems can range from a broken door look to a furnace that needs to be replaced.

If the prospect of investing that much time in your real estate venture is a bit overwhelming you can hire someone to manage the property for you. This saves you a great deal of time and trouble but it costs money as well, as you’ll have to pay them a salary.

This is almost always the case when investing in a multi-family dwelling. There are many details involved in running an apartment building or condominium complex. The tenants needs have to be addressed in a timely manner and in order to do this you’ll need to think about investing in a property manager.

There are many people who are experienced in this field and enjoy this type of work. If you are investing in a property that is worth a great deal of money, you’ll want to hire someone who has experience in property management to assist you.

When it comes to owning a property such as an apartment building the key to success is in keeping the units full thus ensuring a steady flow of income. This often means investing in advertising. Advertising can be done in several ways. A popular approach is to post signs on the outside of the building showcasing that there are vacancies. If the property is particularly affordable, placing the cost of monthly rent on the sign is a good idea as well.

Another form of advertising that works well whether you’re renting out an apartment or a house is investing in a newspaper advertisement. Many people who are looking for a new place to live scour the classifieds daily in the hope that they’ll find exactly the right rental property in the neighborhood they desire.

Investing in real estate can be a very rewarding experience and with the help of a seasoned real estate agent, you’ll be able to purchase properties that will yield you a profit year after year.

Real Estate Success

Real estate success? It happens by way of the many things you repeatedly do right, and it is your habits that ensure they get done. Here are some habits to develop for your real estate investing success.

Ask for people's names, and tell them yours. People are your most valuable resource in real estate investing. The more you know, the more likely you are to find good properties, or buyers for your good properties. Get to know the right people too. Start with a real estate agent that gets many listings of the type you are interested in. Wouldn't it be nice if he called you first?

Think numbers. Think people first, but know the relevant numbers. Ideally, when you look at a rental property, for example, you should be thinking about the income, the expenses, and the cap rate. You should be imagining how certain changes would allow you to raise the income, and what that would do to the value. Having a "feeling" about a property, and ignoring the numbers, gets investors into trouble.

Carry supplies. Always have at least business cards, pen and paper on you. You never know when you might see a property for sale, or hear about one. Mention that you invest in real estate, and sellers, buyers and other investors suddenly appear with information, opinions, and sometimes deals. Be ready.

Think risk reduction. Put those inspection, financing, and other contingency clauses in the offer, so you will get your deposit back when a deal falls through. Know your exit strategy before you buy. Find value by comparables, not "hunches." Buy properties through your corporation or LLC. Always look for ways to reduce the risks.

Real Estate Success Is Found In Action

Set action-oriented goals. Get in the habit of taking regular steps towards real estate success. Require yourself to look at a certain number of properties, and maybe even to write a certain number of offers each month. Set at least minimum goals for all sorts of little steps, like making five phone calls per week, checking online for new listings twice per week, and so on. Action creates momentum, and repeated action creates habits. Good habits lead to success.

Finally, learning more about investing from books, magazines and even tapes or CDs is a great idea. Just be sure to spend as much time doing something as reading about it. Some of us let our fascination and enjoyment of reading about investing get in the way of actually investing, and of our real estate success.

The Real Estate Gurus

We have all seen them making fantastic promises that you will be financially free in 90 days. The sales pitch is so intoxicating that you would probably get a DUI if you were driving your vehicle. Less then fifthteen minutes into the infomercial your calling the toll-free number giving them your credit card information. A week goes by, there is excitement in the air you can't wait to get started you are already making plans on how your going to spend your new wealth. Finally your material has arrived.

You go over the material the lesson's are easy to understand. The guru promise you'll be up and in business in less then 30-90 days. You have finish the lesson's in just a week.

You are ready to go out and make a killing buying and selling real estate. Two weeks, three, four even two months have gone by no deals. You have even went back over the course to make sure you have everything covered. The excitement you felt a couple of months ago has turned into anger and self doubt. You smell a rat, the guru has taken you for 2-300 dollars of worthless material.

This scenario plays out everyday with people looking to be financially free and they actually think that they can do this with just 20-30 minutes of work put into it a day. No wonder that's why these gurus are making a killing selling this pie in the sky B.S. It takes hard work to succeed in being a real estate investor. Don't fall prey to these slick-oil salesmen.

If you are starting out in real estate investing the first thing to do is educate yourself about your area market. Understand that 20-30 minutes of work will not cut it if you are starting out. If you do decide to buy a real estate course from a guru make sure you have done your homework before spending your hard earn money on a course. All real estate gurus are not bad. There are some out there that have pretty good material for the money.

Don't give up your money to a high profile real estate guru unless you know that you can get a full refund. Also check and see if the guru is a active real estate investor themselves. If he is selling course's and traveling and speaking at seminars all over the country, how does he have time to invest in real estate? Besides most of the material you purchase from some of these gurus you can get for free online.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Criteria, Terms, Network - The Foundation of Real Estate Investing

In 2005, a bestselling book called The Millionaire Real Estate Investor was written by Gary Keller with Dave Jenks and Jay Papasan. The question is, because of the recent market changes of a buyers market from a sellers market do the principles laid out in the book still apply?

First, lets understand how the book was originally written. It was based on extensive research and interviews with over 120 millionaire real estate investors. The basic model laid out were Criteria, Terms and Network.

Criteria: What you buy. Criteria is the name used for the checklist you use to identify the type of property that you are going to buy. This applies to a buyers market because there appears to be all type of opportunities available, but you still need to establish what you are looking for & how you are going to take advantage of the market conditions. Are you going to stick to one particular type of property? Only condos or single families? These apply no matter what the market. Will you be able to resale it or rent it? The buyers market presents some new opportunities to consider.Are you going to focus on pre foreclosures, foreclosures or short sales? With these situations presenting themselves more & more, including them in your criteria checklist would be worth considering to see if they provide the greatest opportunity and the least risk.

Terms: With interest rates remaining fairly low, and with the wave of the sub prime backlash, terms are even more important in the buyers market then they have ever been. Add to that the true evaluation of proper offer prices when overall prices are stagnant or declining. Simply taking the time to establish your own parameters to determine when a deal is a good deal & when a deal should be walked away from is critical in an emotion filled buyers market.

Lets look at the principle of Network: Who helps you. to todays marketplace. Having a network of select relationships that know your criteria & that are able to feed you opportunities is essential. Imagine a well placed attorney that knows of pre-foreclosure proceedings or a Northern Virginia Real Estate Team is intimately aware of a particular area or that is working in conjunction with a bank to dispose of Bank Owned / Foreclosure Northern Virginia Homes.

All of these areas still applies & answers a lot of the questions of what you'll buy, how you'll buy it & who will help you.

"Mastering these areas will give you the greatest chance for long term success & place you solidly on the path to becoming a Millionaire Real Estate Investor". This was sound advise when the book was written and remains sound advice today.

Helpful Team Players for Your Next Real Estate Purchase

Buying a house is a major financial and legal process that typically encompasses a wide range of smaller transactions along the way. A single real estate sale – no matter how simple – will usually involve a smorgasbord of different specialties, professions, and areas of expertise, not to mention the potential for myriad emotional and psychological demands and reactions. For most consumers a real estate purchase does, in fact, represent the most comprehensive and complex deal of an entire lifetime.

Those who venture into such undertakings can help ensure their success by enlisting the support of a talented and educated team of pros, and here is a recommended list to use as a starting point when recruiting help for your big home purchase project:

• Real Estate Brokers and Mortgage Lenders

Ask friends for recommendations, and when you interview potential brokers and lenders ask them about their experience and track record. Also find out what particular area of real estate and neighborhoods they specialize in, because this can be incredibly important. If you’re buying a downtown condo, for instance, you want someone who knows that market, not somebody whose experience is primarily in listing and selling suburban houses or mountain lodges. Communication is essential, so only choose those with whom you have a comfortable rapport. If the interpersonal chemistry doesn’t feel right, keep looking.

• Building Inspectors

Just as when you have a question about your car you go to a trusted mechanic, when buying a house or condo you should have a reliable building inspector on your team. But keep in mind that there are different kinds of inspectors. You’ll want one to check for termites and other pests, and another to check for environmental hazards such as radon gas and asbestos. For a general inspection, you’ll hire a licensed general building inspector to study the mechanical and structural components of the house, such as the electrical system, appliances, foundation, roof, and plumbing.

Building inspectors are also the best source of information about how to properly maintain your home. Follow them around as they check your home, and ask them to teach you how to do your own routine inspections after you move in, to look for potential problems before they happen.

• A Real Estate Attorney

Real estate is a specialized legal field, and when buying a house you should enlist the services of someone who only practices real estate law.

• Contractors

Contractors are the ones you’ll call to actually get repair cost estimates and do the work. Folks such as house painters, carpenters, landscapers, and plumbers can help you estimate how much to negotiate with the seller for repairs, and they can also provide insight into how to approach any improvements, updates, or remodeling projects that you might envision.

Get competing bids, but remember that the cheapest bid doesn’t always guarantee the best work. The main thing to look for is a stellar reputation for exceptional quality and attention to detail, and your contractors should all carry appropriate insurance to cover themselves in case they are injured while working on your premises.

• Chimney Sweeps

If you have a chimney, you’ll also need a certified chimney sweep to check it for cracks, leaks, or potentially dangerous build-up of flammable residue. Thanks to modern tools, those in this old-school trade can now snake a tiny video camera into your chimney and make a thorough visual examination of every nook and cranny, no matter how ancient or narrow the air passageway may be. The best chimney sweeps also have powerful vacuum cleaners – often mounted on trucks – that are especially designed to let them capture dust, ashes, and soot without letting any of it escape and settle on your fine white rugs and draperies.

This list is by no means complete, and you may or may not need all of these experts for your particular purchase. On the other hand, you may need to add to the list to bring others on board. For instance, if you are buying property in an historical neighborhood, you might need to hire someone who knows old-fashioned plastering techniques. If you’re looking at farmland, you could need a well digger or an agricultural consultant. Buying a cool urban warehouse loft? You may very well need to call that guy in town who knows how to fix antique elevators or the woman in the neighborhood who sells steam radiators that come in different Crayola crayon colors.

Buying a home can – and typically does – have significant repercussions that last far into the future. A house purchase influences the personal and financial lives of both you and your partner, so it is always wise and prudent to approach the event with as much information, guidance, insight, and reliable professional support as possible.

To find great help when you buy your home, visit www.GayRealEstate.com. This global network of Realtors and Lenders offers solid expertise and demonstrated proficiency in all areas of real estate and specializes in services to the GBLT community.

Introduction to Panama Real Estate

If you found this page and are reading this I assume you are from one of the following countries: USA, Canada, UK, Northern Europe, or Australia. I further assume you are thinking of investing in Panama and/or living here. In this introduction I am unashamedly trying to give you a cold harsh blast of reality shock! This article is mostly written from an American perspective but a lot of it is applicable to other countries as well.

State of the Union - Your Home Country

What you see in your own country (if you are reading this page it should apply to you) is not encouraging economically. The economy basically is receding and has been getting worse for a while. Inflation has been destroying your purchasing power. Unemployment is at a dangerously high level. Health care has been diminishing in quality for the last 25 years and the costs have been rising steadily the last 10-15 years at an alarming rate. Prescription drug costs are becoming staggering and insurance coverage is dropping, by the way prescription drug costs in Panama are about one third of the USA price. Hospitals are closing all over the USA in record numbers. Taxes are at an incredibly high rate while government benefits are at an all time low. America and many other countries have wobbly economies with massive debt loads. As of November 2005 the State of Vermont has taken official steps to secede from the Union, no kidding do a Google search for Vermont secession. I understand Hawaii and Alaska are right behind.

Now let's look at rising interest rates. Imagine what those variable rate mortgages will look like in a few months! What about all those mortgages in excess of three hundred thousand dollars - what are these people going to do? Sell, no way the new buyers will never qualify because the interest rates have pushed up the payments so much. So they hang on and suffer. Okay now let's look at rising gas prices. In the cold areas home heating oil costs are going to be $300-$400 per month higher this year (2005-2006 winter) than last year and they were high last year. So now the mortgage payment is up and so is the home heating cost. Now let's add in the rising gas prices. Take a family where there are two commuters going an hour each way to work in their SUV's. This is a common scenario in many parts of the USA. These people are spending an extra $400 - $600 a month on gas combined, and this gets added into the rising mortgage rates, the rising home heating oil costs, the rising health care costs. Wait it gets worse. When the food and hard goods manufacturers bill the supermarkets, stores etc. for food and goods they are adding in a fuel surcharge which gets added into the price you pay which means your cost of living is inflating again every time you buy anything in a store. Let's look at credit cards. Lots of people are maxed out on their credit cards. If they read the terms of agreement with their credit card companies they will see that if their credit scores get adversely affected or they are late in payments the favorable low interest rates they got will go to the marginal credit interest rates (think 18%+). The real bad news is that when the credit card companies run their credit reports and see that they are maxed out on their cards that reduces their credit scores and thus the high rates will kick in. Have you noticed that America recently changed in Bankruptcy laws making it very difficult for a person to use the protection of the Bankruptcy Courts anymore, this is not a coincidence.

More and more jobs in America are moving overseas. Levi Straus no longer makes any products in the USA. Yikes!! Do the big corporations know something we don't?

More and more jobs in America are moving overseas. Levi Straus no longer makes any products in the USA. Yikes!! Do the big corporations know something we don't? Loss of jobs means that in turn more jobs will be lost since purchasing power diminishes when one is unemployed. What will happen when people can not afford the extra gas costs for their SUV's. If they go to sell their SUV's they'll find the resale value is thousands of dollars below what they owe due to declining used car prices on gas hogs. So selling is not an option for the average cash strapped family. Have you ever heard of an employer increasing wages due to rising energy costs, me neither. This winter you will see families walking around inside the house wearing down vests in America. People are already making fewer trips to the supermarket to save on gas. Carpooling is about to make a big comeback. In any event do you see rising housing prices in the USA as a likely outcome? I don't. I can find no reasons to make me think housing prices will rise in America for many years. Do you see declining housing prices as a likely outcome - I do. Hurricane season has now become a six to seven month event. Those that can move out of hurricane zones will do so and I expect they will be selling cheap and thus buying into lower price areas. Hurricane insurance costs will be skyrocketing after this season as well and the banks will take that into account decreasing the amount of mortgage a person can qualify for even further. Those in the cold zones will be suffering from those big heating bills this winter and this can only serve to drive down housing prices. The banks will take the rising energy costs into account when qualifying people making it harder to quality for the same value house one could qualify for two years ago and without the cooperation of the banks real estate prices decline. Rest assured the banks are quite scared about now.

Back Links - What are they, Why do Real Estate agents need them, and How do I get them?

Search engines use a number of criteria for ranking websites. No one can say exactly how the search engines weigh their criteria, since the search engines protect this information as a trade secret. But SEO experts are able to give us a reliable picture of what we need to do to get the highest visibility in Internet search engines. Real Estate is all about being seen, heard, and known, so the importance of search engine optimization is invaluable for your Real Estate business.

The three keys to search engine ranking are content, keywords, and back links. Ultimately, a high ranking in search engines is the result of high traffic. How do you drive more traffic to your Real Estate website? Content, keywords, and back links.

The content of your website must be chosen carefully and with plenty of research. A lot of Real Estate websites look pretty with flash designs, detailed artwork and pictures. If you are a serious Real Estate Agent, then concentrate on that with your website. You are not trying to impress prospective clients with all of your fancy technology on your website. Use your website to find leads, entice customers, and make long lasting relationships.

Content, meaning the text and descriptions of your business and your services, should be chosen carefully. You can choose the right content by doing keyword research and using many keywords in your web pages filled with facts, portfolios of your work, and newsworthy information.

Don't try to trick them! A Real Estate website with 50 pages of hot air won't fool the Internet community. Keyword-stuffing will only work temporarily. When visitors find nothing but fluff on a website, they won't go back and they won't create word of mouth in their own blogs and websites. When your traffic drops, the search engines find out in a hurry and the bottom falls out of your ranking.

what are backlinks?

Back links are... backward links! Basically they are links that point back to your Real Estate website, Real Estate blog, etc. They are somewhat like trail markers that you can leave, pointing passersby to take the path toward your homebase.

How are they created? Back links are created whenever someone has a link for your website on their website. The easiest way to make back links is by submitting your web content to article directories, websites, and blogs.

For instance, if you post an article on About.com, the smart thing to do is fill the article with links back to your website. Sometimes websites have restrictions on how many links you can have in your article, so a link to your website in your bio or signature is good as well. The search engines find this "back link" to your site on another web site, which tells them that your article is popular.

Search engine optimization is like a word of mouth popularity game. The more links you have on other people sites, the more back links you have, the more popular you are with search engines, and the higher you rank. Literally.

Article submission is widely recognized as one of the most effective strategies for optimizing search engine ranking. Creating plenty of back links with quality content is the single best strategy for driving traffic to your Real Estate website and boosting your search engine ranking.

In order to get more people to hit those links is to write articles and post newsworthy, keyword rich postings about Real Estate news, the market, etc. Research which keywords people might search for to find you, and use them in your articles. This will ensure that people who could be interested in the homes you offer will find you.

Always remember the first principle of search engine optimization: Rich content is the single most important determinant of search engine ranking. Write high-quality web content and blog posts, submit your content to article directories, and the search engine rankings will come.

Do you have an up-to-date Great Real Estate Agent WebSystem in your marketing budget for next year? A great tool for planning out your next year is Coach Cheri's Real Estate Business Planning Guide. This is a 14 part eCourse developed by Real Estate Business Success Coach Cheri Alguire that will walk you through all of the steps to make next year a fruitful and smart year for your business. I recommend that you take a look at this winning system to get a jump start to a successful new year!

Why Do You Need a Real Estate Appraisal?

Anytime you buy or sell real estate, you need a real estate appraisal. The primary purpose is to find out exactly how much your property is worth. Banks and similar lending companies also require it, before a buyer can obtain a mortgage.

A real estate appraisal develops an “educated and trained opinion” on the value of the property. It also, in some circumstances, may ascertain the best use of the property, garnering the best selling price. For example, a long-time residential property may be in an area that has been rezoned for limited commerce, which could potentially bring in a higher sales price than marketing the real estate to potential residential buyers.

An appraiser differs from an inspector, who is looking for things that need to be corrected, repaired or replaced — things that are required by law to be completed before the property can be sold or to enhance your sale price. Though an appraiser will look at these same things, he/she is only interested in developing the value of the property.

A real estate appraisal is based on the highest and best use of real property — what use of the property will produce the highest possible value? The final appraisal must be both profitable and probable.

The real estate appraisal includes a definition of the type of value that is being developed — whether it is a market value (what most sellers need), a condemnation value, quick sale value, and so on.

The Process

The appraiser looks at each property individually, beginning with an objective inspection of the interior and exterior of the home or building, as well as driving through the surrounding neighborhood. The appraiser looks for the assets, as well as the detriments, of the property. For homes, gross living space, quality of construction, location, layout, the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, the lot size, condition of the home and land, central air conditioning, landscaping, number of fireplaces or the lack thereof, decks, pool, fencing, recent renovations, amenities provided by the surrounding neighborhood, and crime statistics of the area are all considered by the real estate appraiser.

Living space is calculated by measuring the outside of the home. It does not include such areas as the garage, porches, sheds, and so on. Basements are generally calculated separately from the living space. The contributory value of basements is determined by the local market, government regulation, if it is finished or not (and the quality of the finish), and so on.

The real estate appraiser usually only considers permanent buildings within his/her appraisal. Fixtures that can be relocated, such as above ground pools and sheds, are not included in the appraisal.

If you are the real estate seller, you should point out any features, amenities or improvements of your home that are not readily discernable.

Next, the real estate appraiser analyzes the available market data for your area and the surrounding neighborhood, including current and historical comparable sales, current offers for comparable homes, pending sales, and proposed improvements. The appraiser gathers data from a variety of sources, as well as his/her own personal knowledge of the local market. The appraiser then compares your real estate to the broader market.

Each real estate appraiser has his/her own process of analyzing, collecting and reconciling the needed appraisal data. If you get five different appraisals for your real estate, you may receive five different appraisal opinions. They should, however, all be within a similar value range, if they are completed within the same timeframe and under the same conditions.

Though the real estate appraisal is not for public consumption, it may be shared with all parties concerned. For instance, a buyer has offered $150,000 for a home, but the buyer-side, commissioned appraisal value is only $146,000. Sharing this appraisal with the seller means that the owner can do needed improvements to bring the price up or offer the real estate to the buyer for the appraisal amount.

For the highest appraisal possible, real estate sellers should have an inspection and appraisal done before putting the property on the market. First, the inspection in order to make any needed repairs or renovations. Then, get the appraisal to ensure you are getting the most for your real estate.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Investing In Real Estate - Six Specific Tips

Investing in real estate should be a pleasurable and profitable activity. Listen carefully to investors, though, and you hear not just success stories, but sad tales of stress and losing money. Here are some tips for keeping your real estate stories happy ones.

- Have a top price. Properties have a market value, and then they have their value to you. Many investors pay too much just because everyone else is doing so, and then they have negative cash flow month after month. Just because others are paying too much for duplexes, doesn't mean you have to. Once you decide on a top price that works for your plan (which hopefully involves cash flow), start below that and don't go a penny higher. The time to set your limit is before the negotiations start, not during them.

- Choose partners carefully. Investing in real estate can be an uncertain process. Too many decision-makers just make it more so. If you must have a partner, clearly define your roles before you start a project. Group decisions tend not to work well, and will cause you much stress. It is often best if one partner puts up the bulk of the money, and the other runs the show. Agree to a plan, then step back if you are investing the capital, and let your partner do his thing. Of course, step up and take control if you are managing the project.

- Listen to what the market is saying. When the cabinet guy asked me for a decision I realized that I knew nothing at all about which cabinets people like. I asked him which ones home owners were most often choosing, and he pointed to one that three quarters of his last forty customers had chosen. Then that's the one I want, I told him. Why would I argue with the market I am trying to sell to? I have seen sellers paint a home a certain color because they like it. That's a quick way to reduce the market value of a home. What colors do the potential buyers like? That's what is important.

- Understand the numbers. Investing in real estate is all about the numbers. If it is an income property investment, it's about one number in particular: cash flow. Be aware of whatever the local formulas are, whether gross rent multipliers or capitalization rates or whatever. Ultimately, though just be sure that after every last expense you'll have cash flow from the very first month. If it is a residential fixer-upper, know what it will sell for and what it will cost to fix it up - before you even make an offer.

- Don't confuse investing with gambling. Investing in real estate isn't gambling, or at least it shouldn't be. There is risk, but unlike true gambling, the odds are in your favor. At least they should be, and you should be able to clearly see the outcome. This why you shouldn't invest based on the assumption of continued fast appreciation. Over time, real estate values do trend upwards, but there is no guarantee that prices will continue up at any particular rate during a given time. Do deals in such a way that they'll be profitable even if prices go nowhere. If values go up, you're that much better off.

- Do the research. Understand the statistics and information you are looking at. It is possible that the real estate agent will show you only the comparable sales that make the property look more valuable. With a bit of your own research, and an understanding of how the various numbers are arrived at, you can avoid overpaying. Many counties have made researching prices easy, with sales prices online. Other web sites, such as the U.S. Census site, have information on population and jobs. Understanding these figures can mean not investing in real estate just before the town declines.

These tips, like all others, are just guidelines of course. You can "gamble" on rising values, for example, if you really did your homework and know the demand for housing in a town is about to explode. You might pass up a great opportunity too, because you refuse to go $500 over the top price you set. While having a few rules and guidelines is a good place to start, don't let them take the place of thinking when investing in real estate.

Savvy Investors Profiting from Quivering Real Estate Market

For smart investors, the slowing pace of home re-sales, which were down 2.8 percent in January, and the 5 percent drop in new home sales, represent nothing but opportunity. In fact, Neb Essayas, founder of Premier Real Estate Solutions, LLC (www.RealEstateMadeEasy.net) says that the market slowdown in major cities represents "the most exciting time for our business."

Utilizing private lenders, Premier Real Estate Solutions buys properties in northern Virginia, central Maryland, and the District of Columbia at 25 to 50 percent below market value. The company then renovates the homes and re-sells them at market value. "There's talk about the real estate bubble bursting," says Essayas, "but what's happening is that sellers aren't making windfall profits anymore. The housing market has been so hot over the past five years that so-called investors could afford to pay market value, watch the property appreciate, and sell at a profit."

In contrast, Premier Real Estate Solutions makes its profit going into the deal - through buying the right properties at the right prices. "As a rule of thumb, we do all of our numbers right and build in our profit margin before purchasing the property," says Essayas. "We only buy two types of properties: those where we can quickly create equity through renovations and those where we buy equity from motivated sellers who need a quick sale."

Now that the real estate market isn't so forgiving, Essayas says that buying the right properties at the right prices is key. "The numbers have to be right, not only to ensure that our company makes a profit, but to secure our private investors' loans." Those numbers are providing hot returns on investments, regardless of the price range of the home. For example, Premier Real Estate Solutions purchased a home for $405,000, spent $1,000 in upgrades, and sold the home for $599,000. Similarly, Essayas put $32,000 of renovations into a home purchased for $229,000 and sold it for $390,000. "Recently, within a three and a half week period, we bought a home for $77,000, spent $12,000 fixing it up, and found a buyer willing to pay $170,000," he says.

Using private investments to purchase and renovate homes gives Premier Real Estate an advantage over developers using institutional lenders, in that the company can move nimbly when it finds a bargain. "The private capital we've been using has allowed us to close on these properties in as little as three days," says Essayas.

As for investors, they appreciate being able to earn a better return through Premier Real Estate than they can with traditional investments. According to Harry Roupas, who has made significant investments in Premier Real Estate Solutions properties over the past three years, "The excellent returns I have seen on my investments demonstrates to me that Premier's business model is sound. Buying properties below market value, renovating them, and selling them at a profit is the right approach for today's real estate market, but you need a Premier Real Estate to make it all work just right."

And Premier Real Estate is hard at work, planning to purchase between 50 and 60 properties in the Washington, D.C. Metro area this year, and looking to a future in larger development projects, such as condominiums and hotels.

While Essayas anticipates that the market's cooling trend will result in a longer turnaround time for sales, he emphasizes that "we factor higher carrying costs into our equation before making an offer to purchase a property."

He concludes, "Because we never pay market value for a property to begin with, we can continue to take advantage of the current real estate market to secure properties at prices well below market level, renovate them, and sell them at a profit."

Domain Names Become Premium Web Real Estate

The following article presents the very latest information on Domain Names. If you have a particular interest in Domain Names, then this informative article is required reading.

See how much you can learn about Domain Names when you take a little time to read a well-researched article? Don't miss out on the rest of this great information.

Everyone should have Amy Schrier's problem.

For six months, she resisted selling the domain name Blue.com for $200,000. Using a formula she devised to fetch the highest market value for cheap domain names, Schrier eventually convinced a private party that Blue.com was worth $500,000. Since the name was sold in March, its site now includes links to sexual material and airfare ads.

"The market will really explode when people realize they are sitting on premium real estate," says Schrier, 37, an entrepreneur in New York who bought Blue.com for $65,000 in 2002.

Dan Taylor, 54, an industrial designer in Toronto, stumbled onto his domain riches. In the 1990s, he bought Realtone.com with the intent of developing online content for skin care products. As Taylor's luck would have it, that was before ringtones became available on cell phones. When Universal Entertainment in Germany came calling for the domain name last year, Taylor sold it for an undisclosed amount.

So now you know a little bit about Domain Names. Even if you don't know everything, you've done something worthwhile: you've expanded your knowledge.

Have you ever wondered what exactly is up with Domain Names? This informative report can give you an insight into everything you've ever wanted to know about Domain Names.

The information about Domain Names presented here will do one of two things: either it will reinforce what you know about Domain Names or it will teach you something new. Both are good outcomes.

Schrier and Taylor are among an estimated 1,000 to 2,000 individuals who make a living buying and selling cheap domain names, though about half prefer to remain anonymous to avoid competition, says Ron Jackson, editor and publisher of Domain Name Journal.

'A long-term investment' Most domainers buy and own names. They "park" on sites, where they develop content in the form of Web links and ads, to generate income and increase the value of their virtual real estate.

"It's a long-term investment, like owning a home," says Lawrence Fischer, vice president of business development at SmartName.com, a company that owns and manages thousands of cheap domain names, including Stockquotes.com. "But if a major brokerage firm came along with a big offer, I would be willing to listen."

Plenty have been willing to pay. Sales of 5,851 cheap domain names generated $29 million in 2005, compared with the sale of 3,813 names for $15 million in 2004, market researcher Zetetic says.

Venture-capital firms, too, are betting on cheap domain names.

Like a lottery ticket

"It's like buying a lottery ticket, but the odds are better," says Ken Carey, 50, a longtime autoworker in Grand Rapids, Mich., and part-time inventor who owns 200 cheap domain name. "All you gotta do is hit the right niche, and you're well on your way to being a millionaire."

When a technology is about to take off, if you buy a domain name that pertains to it, the more generic the name, the better its value.

Sometimes, the payoff is huge.

Sometimes, it lands the owner in legal hot water.

A surge in online ads and Web viewing have made cheap domain names a serious business proposition. Online ad revenue is expected to reach $13.6 billion in the U.S. this year, up 14 percent from last year, according to Jupiter Media. Overall, 153 million people in the U.S. use the Web, up 2.5 percent from a year ago, Nielsen//NetRatings says.

"Those who understand domains and what they represent, can and have done very well," says Schwartz, 52, who sold Men.com for $1.3 million in late 2003, a huge profit from the $15,000 he paid for it in 1997. He bought Property.com for $750,000 last year.

And Schrier, who sold Blue.com for more than twice what she was originally offered, may soon offer advice. She intends to market her formula for getting the most value out of cheap domain names.

There's no doubt that the topic of Domain Names can be fascinating. If you still have unanswered questions about Domain Names, you may find what you're looking for in the next article.

Home Improvement And The Real Estate Investor

Investing in real estate can be a very lucrative investment if it is done properly. Whether you are investing in a brand new home or an old fixer upper, all houses will gain value if you spend the necessary time and money making sure that the property is maintained. Some people may feel that improving the home is not required since they are only going to sell it anyway, but that line of thought will cost you money in the end. Your investment will gain tremendous value if you are willing to repair and remodel whatever is needed before you sell the investment property.

Some real estate investments may only need a little spring cleaning and a few minor repairs, while other investments may need to be completely redone. Properties that need more work usually cost less to purchase because of the amount and the extent of the work needed. Even properties that need a lot of repairs and renovations can be terrific investments, because their value increases significantly more than the cost of the repairs and home improvements.

Most real estate investors do not realize the importance of making home improvements. Even simple things like painting the walls or weeding the lawn and putting down a good grass seed can raise the value of your investment. You can ask for and get a much higher price for real estate if everything is in great condition. Even houses that are in good repair should be thoroughly cleaned from the top to bottom, including gutters and eaves troughs. When you are considering a property to invest in, it is a good idea to do a very detailed inspection to evaluate all repairs that need to be addressed, whether they are minor or major.

It is important that you keep all receipts for any labor and materials you purchase to repair and improve your real estate investment. When you get ready to sell your investment you will have a record of all the money you have invested in home improvement for the real estate. This will allow you to show an increased value of the home due to the home improvement. It will also enable you to sell your real estate investment faster for a larger price. In a buyer's market, the repairs and maintenance of your property may be one of the biggest sellers. No one wants to buy a home to live in and then have to take the time and money to do a lot of maintenance or repairs.

Home improvement is very important to real estate, whether you are just trying to flip a house to make a profit or you have rental property with tenants. By improving the property you will greatly improve the profit you will make from your real estate investment. A lot of real estate investors do not think about home improvement, and it costs them in the form of lower sales prices and lower monthly rents.

Real Estate Investors Beware!

Can you really make money in real estate? You bet you can, but you better beware of what you’re getting yourself into. I have been investing in real estate for years now and I can’t tell you how many properties I have bought from burnt out landlords or young couples that really started too soon.

Like anything the key to being successful in real estate investing is education and practice. I have had some really good deals and others I thought were going to drag me down to the deepest of money pits. So for what it’s worth here’s a few observations I think will be helpful to investors just starting out.

Beware of the late night infomercial real estate gurus when they say you can build wealth in real estate with only five or ten hours a week. To be successful you need to be on all the time. It’s all about marketing and following through and networking and did I mention marketing. I am astounded every time I meet a so-called investor and ask them for a card and they don’t have one. How is anyone supposed to know you buy houses or invest in real estate if you don’t tell them every chance you get?

Beware of rentals. Land lording is a pain. I don’t care if you have a management company in place or not you are always going to get calls about something being broken or some inspection the city wants to run you through. New investors should especially be aware that almost all of the tenant/landlord laws favor the tenants. If you want a taste of what can happen rent the movie “Pacific Heights” with Michael Keaton sometime. You may never buy another rental again. Remember peace of mind could cost you more than great cash flow.

Beware of contractors who want to be paid by the hour and not the job. Unless you are constantly there with them, they will take you for a ride every time. Make them sign a must be completed by clause and if they don’t complete the job by the said date, your cost should be discounted.

Beware of homes sold at sheriff sales or on the courthouse steps. Yes you can find some great deals there, but make sure you do your due diligence and always try to inspect the house first. Judgments and out of this world repair costs could chomp away at your potential profit quickly. I like buying the foreclosure properties after the bank gets them back. They are still “As Is,” but you can always inspect them and have an out if you use a realtor. Better safe than sorry right.

Beware of taking advice from someone who doesn’t own any investment property, rents or swears he knows of the next big market if only he had the money.

I have learned and still believe you can never learn too much about something so when it comes to building wealth though real estate education really is the key. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned investor the Real Estate Info Network may be just the tool to take you to your next level of investing.

The Real Estate Info Network promotes real estate education through real estate seminars, e-books and real estate investing. Learn how to make no money down deals, profit in foreclosures and short sales and how to rehab your way into real estate riches.

Monday, September 8, 2008

6 Reasons WHY John Reese's VRE(Virtual Real Estate) Concept Is The Way To Go In 2006

Who would of ever guessed that Virtual Real Estate on the Internet would one day make many netpreneurers thousands, if not, millions of dollars.

I know I sure didn't when I first got started online, but am glad I ran across the concept while searching the web one night.

The facts are true and John Reese who is an Internet pioneer and the author of one of the Internets most powerful home study courses called "Traffic Secrets" is just one of those individuals who is successfully profiting from his Virtual Real Estate empire as we speak.

John Reese has been around since the being when the Internet first became a commercial entity and knows what works and what doesn't online simply because he is known as a Test Freak(I mean that in a good way John).

Now, some of you might be wondering what Virtual Real Estate is so I'll give you a quick definition:

Virtual Real Estate is simply a Information Packed website with hundreds, if not, thousands of webpages full of targeted information.

That's all they are. It doesn't have to get any more complicated then that.

I'll also give you some examples of VRE sites towards the end of this article.

Now that you know what Virtual Real Estate is, what there main purpose is and who is successfully doing it right now, lets dive into the -- "6 Reasons WHY John Reese's VRE (Virtual Real Estate) Concept Is The Way To Go In 2006".

Reason #1. People come online for Information.

One of the main reasons WHY people come online is to search for Information that's either related to a problem they're facing or for some consumer reviews on a particular product or service they're thinking about purchasing.

People rarely come online with the intent to buy something. Most of the time it's for Information.

How do you think the Internet got the nickname - The Information Super-Highway.

Reason #2. VRE sites can target any Niche.

This is the true beauty of VRE sites simply because they can target ANY niche on the planet, it doesn't matter.

They can be about Pets, Sports, Business, Family, Hobbies, and the list goes on and on.

I think you get the picture.

Reason #3. Us other peoples content.

The real cool thing about VRE sites is you don't have to produce ANY of your own content if you don't want to.

There are literally hundreds of places on the web where you can get and use other peoples work to build your VRE empire, and more importantly, they're more then happy to give it to you.

Reason #4. Google will pay you if you want.

Want to make some $CASH$ at the same time?

Good, because Google will happily pay you for adding a little piece of code to your webpages by signing up for their Google Adsense program, and depending on what market your targeting, they could pay you some handsome commissions every month and all that is required to get paid is for someone to click on one of the Googles ads.

And again, all this can be achieved without you writing a single word.

Pretty COOL!!

Reason #5. Add targeted affiliate programs for more $CASH$.

Want to make even more money with your VRE sites?

Depending on what market your targeting like in Reason #4, you can also add others peoples affiliate programs that are targeted towards the content within your VRE site that usually pay between 35% to 75% on every sale made.

If you've been online for any length of time then you know that content is an excellent way to Pre-Sell to your potential customer, so you've already gotten your foot in the door to possibably make a potential sale.

There are many places online that offer affiliate programs. Simply type in - affiliate directories - into any search engine and they will display all the results for you.

Reason #6. Unlimited FREE Traffic to your VRE sites.

The more your VRE site or sites grow, the more FREE targeted traffic you'll get.

Your probably asking, "where the heck does this FREE traffic come from?"

I'll tell you where it comes from. It comes from search engines like Google, MSN, Yahoo!, just to name a few.

Content is "Search Engine Food". And search engines love content, so in order for them to be continually fed the search engines send out a little robots called "Spiders" which crawl the web continuously looking for NEW webpages to index into their database.

So, the more content that is added to your VRE site or sites, the more often these little "Spiders" will stop by to give your VRE site a crawl and index any new content you've added.

Point being, the more optimized webpages your VRE site or sites have that get index, the more FREE search engine traffic you'll receive.

Do you see NOW how Powerful VRE sites are and why you should consider building a network of these that target different niches?

All your doing is giving your potential customer what they want which is Information and at the same time offering them a solution by adding Google Adsense ads and targeted affiliate programs, which is where you get paid for your efforts.

And remember, you don't even have to write a single word if you don't want to, and you still get paid!

John Reese really hit a home run with this concept I have to say which is way he encourages all to start building and growing them in 2006.

Now as I mentioned at the beginning that I would give you some examples of what a VRE site might be so here are a few examples for you to get started with: Article Directories, Review Sites, Directories, Mini Sites and Niche Blogs.

Well, that's it. Now it's up to you to get your creative juices flowing and start building your network of profitable VRE sites.

The Truth About Flipping Real Estate

There has been a lot written about "flipping" real estate these last two years - and much of it is more fiction than fact. Some say it is great way to make money fast. Some say it is very difficult. Some even claim it is illegal. So, just what is the truth?

Let's take care of the "illegal" claims, first. Flipping, if done the way it was meant to be done, is completely legal. But it becomes illegal when unscrupulous investors, working with unscrupulous appraisers or lenders, conspire to defraud either buyers or lenders. This is done when an investor gets an appraiser or lender to over-value a property for the purpose of selling for a higher-than-market value, or for the purposes of getting a bigger mortgage so the investor can pocket more cash. In short, it is not the flipping that is illegal -- rather, it is the fraud that sometimes accompanies it that is in violation of the law.

Such fraud is not necessary. You can use any legitimate method of flipping, and if you remain within the law and act in an ethical manner, you will profit immensely, and earn yourself a solid reputation as a good person to do business with. In the long run, as you gain a reputation for fairness and sound ethics, you will actually profit more than if you were to defraud anyone.

Now, as for it being difficult. Some so-called "gurus" claim that in order to flip, the investor must first buy the property and only then find a buyer to resell to. Let's put that falsehood to rest right now -- you can buy and resell at the same closing (called a double escrow, or simultaneous closing) without ever having to finance a single penny, because the buyer's money funds both transactions. Under the law, neither transaction takes place first or last in a double escrow, regardless of which one actually is completed first. Therefore, the transaction with your buyer can take place first, providing you with the funds to pay off your seller. In such a transaction, the only requirements are a) you contract to buy a property from the seller at one price, then b) contract to sell that same property to another buyer at a higher price, and for both contracts to call for closing at the same time and place. Both agreements are placed into the same escrow. The key, of course, is to buy at below market value, and sell at no more than market value, to avoid any possibility of fraud.

The reality is that there are a number of ways to flip properties, the double escrow is only one method. Some methods require financing - others do not. Some methods do not require cash or credit. And most methods are quite simple to do. In addition to the double escrow, the investor may also flip by way of "assigning". In this technique, a property is put under contract. Then, instead of reselling the property (double escrow), the investor sells (assigns) the contract to another buyer. The buyer pays an assignment fee -- usually $3000-$5000 -- to the investor at the time the contract is assigned. The investor does not have to participate in any closing -- he is out of the deal, and a few thousand dollars richer.

That said let us look at claims that it is very difficult and time-consuming. Since the most difficult part is finding a suitable property, the rest of the transaction consists of negotiating the deal (no different from any other transaction), find a new buyer (also no different from any other sale), then wait until closing when the closing agent takes care of everything else. Personally, I have never found laying on the beach waiting for a closing to be all that time-consuming or stressful. And I have been using these methods for over 35 years.

Then there are the unfounded fears that for some unknown reason, your seller and/or your buyer will revolt at closing when they "discover" you are making a profit.

We can only assume that the investors who have this fear feel it is necessary to keep it a secret that they are an investor. I do not advocate that. I stress ethical conduct. Simply make sure your seller and your buyer are fully aware that you are an investor - it is nothing to be ashamed of! If they know this, they will obviously know, up front, that you must make a profit - you would not be in the deal, otherwise. At closing there will be no anger because they were not deceived. In all my years of doing this, I have not seen one case where closing did not complete because of such problems, because the problems never arose in the first place.

Yes, flipping is a great way to make a lot of money in a short period of time. And it, like any other endeavor, can be stressful at times. It is not as easy as many "gurus" would have you believe, but it is not all that difficult, either. The secret lies in 1) knowing which properties lend themselves to flipping , 2) being honest and up front, and 3) using the right contracts, specially designed for flipping.

Jump Start Your Career In Real Estate

Have you ever stayed up late at night hoping to catch the infomercials on how to make it rich in real estate? No money down! Or spent endless hours reading this how to or that real estate success story book, maybe even gone to a boot camp or two? … None of which have helped…

I once read that if you read 7 books on a subject, that doing so, will make you an expert. I am not so sure it will but it does add a considerable amount of confidence to you as you prepare to introduce yourself to your new world.

What I find fascinating is that they all have a slight twist on the same goal.. The goal of buying real estate below market value, for as little money invested as possible, then selling for a profit. The American Dream… Get rich in real estate… We have all heard that the only way to become obnoxiously rich is to invest. In fact, when we are born we are slapped on the ass to breath and told get rich through buying real estate. No wonder why so many of us are choosing real estate as the means to wealth.

Every home type cable channel has their own version of the “How Too” “Flip this”, or “Rehab that”, programming that brags “make more money than you have ever made before, and you don’t even have to know how…

I wish it were that simple.. It is/was for some of you I am sure and I imagine as you reflect on your beginning, as you tried figuring out your tomorrow, doing so was the most frightening battle you faced. But here you are, a success, the one that people will look at now and say, “if he can do it, I can too”.

As the year quickly approaches its end, I sit reflecting what I have accomplished and how to help those new investors who want so badly to create their paradigm shift on riches. What little hint or knowledge can I give to turn the light bulb on? Can you hear the rally yell, “You can buy houses too”?

And you can… My wife, being a third grade teacher tells me all of the time, that the reason most don’t jump in is because they like the security of knowing they have a paycheck coming and that their retirement is being taken care of, or that the health insurance coverage is too costly to give up. And I politely tell her, that in two weeks this month, I will have earned what it will take her all year to earn. I feel bad for those that have the attitude that they cant make the change because of fear. Fear is a great emotion, we can either let it stop us or we can use it to succeed.

Most investors don’t ‘Burn their Boat” when they start… most look at this career as a part time career at best. They keep their day job as a subsidy to their income until that big break. That one investment that will get them to go over the top.. That big deal…

I understand that saying to your wife/husband, girlfriend/boyfriend “honey I quite my job today and we are going to be rich” is not something that easily flows out of ones lips.. I am also not so certain that entering into this career slowly isn’t the best option for most investors.

So here you are ready to make millions. Eager and willing to do something, but what? What is the first step to fulfilling the promise given to us a birth?

This may sound so cliché, but in my opinion you must set your goals first. You will not succeed by determining the amount of money you want to make, but instead what do you want out of this paradigm shift? Decide in the beginning those things that will drive you to success. Sure some are going to be physical possession but I bet some of them will be spiritual and mental.

So if you would, go grab your wife/husband, girlfriend/boyfriend and say these words to them “ Honey would it be okay if we started making more money”? If their answer is yes then get into your car and drive. Stop by a store to buy

1. 24” x 36 poster board
2. Glue stick.
3. Set of magic markers
4. Scissors

After you’re done buying your supplies drive to the neighborhood that you always wanted to live in, the ones that only those “rich” people can afford. Drive around and look for houses that are listed for sale. When you find them ask yourself if you would like to live there” If the answer is YES then take a flyer out of the flyer box. Don’t let size or price get in your way. BTW call the agent and make an appointment to see the inside…

Then drive to the auto dealership and pick out the car you have always wanted… Take it for a test drive, smell the interior… What color is it? Pick out the accessories, from rims to navigational system. Don’t forget satellite radio either. Find out how much it costs…CASH… get a Broacher on it.

Now drive to the chain bookstore, they’re open late so you wont have any problems getting in.. Walk over to the magazine section and start looking through the vacation magazines for that special vacation you have always wanted.. Don’t tear that page out of the book, just pay the 4 or 5 bucks they want..

Now here is where it gets fun, there is something in that bookstore that you have always wanted. Maybe it is a how to book on loosing weight, maybe a book on the best colleges to send your children, even a book on your faith, what ever it is buy it.

Now find the section on real estate investing and buy the book with best cover… Don’t worry about content.. Maybe it says, “Zero to a Million” or “Get Filthy Rich” but it must say or show something that makes you inspired…

Now walk over to the coffee area and sit down together and cut out the pictures of the vacation, and the other book. Cut the cover off of the investment book, cut the car out of the Broacher. Using the glue stick glue the pictures and cover onto your poster board not in any order just so they flow. I would put the cover of the investment book on top as I would want to focus on it all of the time.

Now on the top portion of the poster board write, “these are my goals and I will achieve them”.

Somewhere on one side write the words “I am a great person and I am worthy of having nice things”

On the other side write “ God loves me and wants me to become wealthy”

On the bottom, each of you sign your name and put the date.

After you get home place your poster somewhere where you can see it everyday, and everyone else who comes over can see it too. Don’t hide your goals from those who know and love you. AND don’t hide them from yourself…

I know this has nothing to do with real estate investing; you wanted some wisdom that would get you going. But I was reminded today as I began my journey to learn to swim a mile, it’s on my poster, as the young swimming instructor told me to cup my hands to hold water so that I could place my face, submerging my nose in the water and blow bubbles that learning starts with a desire.. We can not succeed unless we set a goal and follow a plan, sure there will be times that you will breath water up your nose and want to quit. Today my task to learn was blowing bubbles, tomorrow who knows but I will learn to swim a mile… And you will learn to buy houses too!

How Rude Realtors are Ruining Real Estate Transactions

Did you know that real estate sales agents are on the bottom of the professional ‘trust’ scale, this-close to used car sales people? Have you or someone you know had an unfortunate experience with real estate sales agents?This perception of not trusting agents has not changed in over thirty years. I am here to tell you why and how to handle these agents.

Real estate sales agents have gotten lazy - or cheap. It is no wonder that For Sale by Owners, reduced-fee realty companies, and the internet are taking over as THE place to buy and sell real estate.

If real estate agents were living in the land of abundance they would hire an assistant to do all they work they seemingly do not like to do: return phone calls, place signs on properties, show up for open houses, and keep appointments.

How do I know all this, you may ask? I have interviewed many buyers, sellers and successful real estate agents.

But what did I learn that could help you and real estate agents who will read this article? Listed below are four challenges and solutions for the real estate professional, as well as the seller or buyer of real estate.

1) Real estate agents do not know how to tell time.

When they say they will be by in an hour, and three hours go by, you begin to wonder. Solution: When they call to set up an appointment to view your home for sale, get their cell phone, office phone and the spelling of their names. If they do not visit you home within the allocated time, you call them. Also, make sure they contact you fifteen minutes prior showing up so you can be prepared. Of course, if you are not home, no problem. If they do not show up, call your agent to report them, then contact their broker. There is integrity involved in real estate licensing, and their broker has a responsibility. Agents can keep their word or call ahead to say they will be late. Common courtesy, sometimes, not so common, must be adhered to.

2) Real estate agents are impatient.

Once they get the listing of your home, there is a rush at the beginning of the contract. Open Houses for the public as well as for other realtors to preview are abundant. But once that first offer comes in and you do not respond post haste, they start to push you. Now, when I shop for something, I might take a day or two, or even longer. If I am looking for a car, for instance, I will do great deal of research as to type, price, color, and year of make. But when an impatient realtor places an offer before you, they give you about thirty minutes to decide. Most people take longer to buy a pair of shoes, let alone selling their home!

Buying or selling a home is the largest deal you will ever make in your life. Take the time you need, ask your agent to back off and give you some space, and do not be intimidated by anyone. It’s your money. Agents can trust the process, trust themselves as well as their sellers or buyers. Remember, this is one of the biggest deals that people will make in their lifetime. Be patient and ask your agent to be professional and respectful.

3) Sometimes real estate agents lie!

There is plenty of competition in the real estate industry. Agents want all the prospects that come in to the Open House as theirs; they will undermine you to get that listing and not think a teeny tiny moment about saying that Hey, that house is already sold! to get people to buy their own listings.

If you discover that an agent has lied, call them up, whether you are another agent or a homeowner. It is your property, your listing, and your responsibility to meet them head on. Nobody will be on your side except you, the owner. Your agent is sometimes more worried about keeping the peace because most real estate communities are small and tight. Remember the agent is a professional and should act like one. Hear that agents?

4) When real estate agents become pushy.

If you as a buyer are taking too long to purchase, or as a seller, your listing has been on the market more than sixty days, many agents go bonkers and start getting pushy. Why does this happen? Agents will tell you, and some statistics back this up, that if your home does not sell in the first sixty days, interest will wane. Possibly. However, there becomes this great push for you to reduce your home. The question then becomes, Why did you tell me to list the property at this price to begin with? Well, there is no clear answer, because the bottom line of all real estate transactions is willing Seller, willing Buyer. That’s it. For the buyer, if you do not purchase immediately, some agents get angry. They look at all the time they have spent with you and wonder why you are not taking action.

The solution for the selling agent is to communicate to the seller in the beginning and say, hey, if your home does not sell in the first sixty days, there may be some outside influences we cannot predict and action must be taken. Sellers will at least feel as if they are somewhat in charge of the situation. As for buyers who are being pushed to purchase, agents must train the buyer.

The best time to buy is yesterday, not tomorrow. Interest rates and sales prices are almost irrelevant. What is relevant is the relationship between the buyer and the buyer’s agent. Establish a relationship of trust and all will be well. Start pushing and all will be stressful. Agents - take heed and remember that you are a professional.

Not all real estate agents fall into the above categories. As in any business, a few bad apples spoil the rest. But real estate agents have not been low on the trust totem poll without reason.

As agents, remember that you are or should be a professional. If necessary, take communication classes so you are better able to interact with your client and facilitate a great relationship.

As a buyer or seller, you are in charge. Hard to believe but it is true. You are in charge of your life, your money, and your rights. If someone pushes you around, don’t blame them if you are unwilling to accept responsibility. It becomes too easy to blame the other guy. That’s why real estate agents may still not be looked upon as the most trustworthy of people.

The solution? Respect yourself. As an agent, respect the professional inside yourself. Respect your buyers and sellers. Buyers and sellers, respect your time, energy and money. Take responsibility for your own actions, ask the agent for what you want and have yourselves successful transactions.

Panama's New Real Estate Boom

DONALD TRUMP can't be wrong, can he? Trump has fallen so much in love with Panama that he is building a $220 Million, 65 story (2.4 Million square foot) hotel/condo monoliths called the Trump Ocean Club International Hotel & Tower in a posh Panama City neighborhood. Trump will build 500 luxury condominium units along with a 312-room hotel. This complex will include a casino, private beach club and a marina. Groundbreaking is scheduled around this Christmas with a completion date in 2009.

Why is Trump doing this in Panama of all places? In an April 24, 2006 press conference in New York, Donald Trump said his interest in Panama was sparked three years ago when his "Miss Universe" pageant was held in Panama. He saw that Panama city was "beautiful" and vowed he would develop there if the right opportunity came up. His project was "easily funded", noting that as many as seven "major financial institutions were fighting to put up money." He agreed that "Americans are coming in droves to Panama," due to it's political stability, low cost of living, low interest rates, and being located outside of any hurricane path. "It's great for baby boomers." Trump said, although the project will be marketed worldwide. The condominium units will start at $180,000 with unobstructed ocean views.

Panama is just beginning to realize a real estate boom!

Besides Trump, many international real estate investors are also discovering Panama.

For example:

Bigger Than Trump: An even taller skyscraper will be built near Trump's Tower. The Ice Tower will have over 100 floors making it the tallest building in all of Latin America, tied with the Empire State Building as the second-tallest in the Western hemisphere and 9th in the world when it is completed in 2010.

And Another! Even before Trump's Tower and The Ice Tower are completed, another skyscraper (93 floors) called El Palacio de la Bahia will be completed in 2009 costing over $160 Million. They've already sold several dozen condos mostly to Europeans because this is a totally European investor project.

I asked a Panama City real estate brokerage owner, Daniel Hanna (Panama Real Estate Group www.panama-real.estate.com), what he thought about how the Ice Tower and Trump's Ocean Club will affect Panama's Real Estate prices? His response echoes most real estate agents in Panama: "As Panama continues to grow in many different industries, these projects will definitely set a new standard of living in Panama, thus increasing the prices around the entire country."

So, why are all of these real estate investors coming to Panama?

A little History will help explain these phenomena. Panama has always had a close relationship with the United States, which helped Panama to secede from Colombia in 1903 and was the first country to recognize the new Republic of Panama. The U.S. government built the Panama Canal starting in 1904. Only until the year 2000 did Panama actually take control of its Canal after the U.S. closed all of its military bases and left. People used to jokingly refer to Panama as the "United States of Panama" due to its close ties to the U.S. After the U.S. left, Panama's economy slumped. Then American retirees re-discovered Panama as a peaceful, safe, and cheap place to retire.

Economical Growth: In 2004, real estate construction activity sprang up in different parts of the country. Mostly retirement communities nestled amongst the many beautiful unoccupied beaches and mountain valleys. In 2005, construction permits rose by 90% while Panama's economy grew by a respectful 6.4%. The Panama Canal recorded its third consecutive year of double-digit growth in toll revenues. Tourism and financial services also made impressive growth gains.

Americans came back to Panama because of the excellent infrastructure built by the Americans, low crime, numerous English-speaking natives, great Immigration Visa programs; the currency has always been the U.S. Dollar, and great Tax incentives.

The Best Reason is that Panama is so cheap to live! Land, housing, local foods, transportation, leather goods, clothing, and local artisan wares are all far cheaper than anywhere in North America or Europe.

Don't Take My Word for it. Read what leading experts have to say about Panama's real estate opportunities.

The NY Times recently wrote: "Panama is increasingly lighting up the radar screens of those searching for an affordable alternative to the more traditional south-of-the-border retreats in Mexico, Costa Rica and the Caribbean, where escalating prices increasingly rival those along America's own beach fronts."

Forbes Magazine (July 11, 2005) praised Panama as a recommended "PARADISE FOUND: WHERE TO RETIRE ABROAD" where a U.S. couple "purchased a lot on a hill overlooking a golf course and have built a three-bedroom white-stucco house with a red-tile roof (total cost: about $250,000)." in Boquete. "You can hear the sound of rivers here," says Janet. "It's very peaceful."

National Association of Realtors: Tom Stevens, who is their current President, recently visited Panama and explained: "We're seriously thinking of investing here. It's a great opportunity. Prices are what it was like in the U.S. 20 to 25 years ago."

The London Financial Times wrote in its April 14, 2005 issue that Panama is now passing Costa Rica as the place to invest. "Like Costa Rica, Panama is loaded with exquisite beach towns, has inviting tax and ownership policies for foreigners and a long history of political stability. Moreover, Panama City is an urbane, safe city that has long had a military and civilian US presence because of the canal. A gated-community, three-bedroom luxury home on a golf course in the mountains can be had for $250,000 to $350,000, real estate experts say... Chuck Bedsole, who oversees Latin American real estate for PriceWaterhouseCoopers, thinks Panama is at an earlier stage in the real estate boom."

Conde Nast Traveler's October 2004 issue declared: "Panama is the new Central American bargain where the U.S. dollar - the market currency - goes a long way."

Is it Safe to Buy real estate in Panama? Buying Real Estate in Panama is safe and secure for foreigners. The U.S. State Dept. verifies this by stating: "Titled land, and the process of buying this, is similar in concept to that of the U.S., and land deeds are duly recorded with the Public Registry..."

How Long Will this Boom Last? It's just starting. Donald Trump hasn't even broken ground yet.

Daniel Hanna, the Panama City real estate broker, reiterates: "Invest in Panama real estate now before the Towers are completed. Panama will become a hot real estate market because it has so many attractions than just real estate construction. Soon, the world will know Panama for its natural beauty, healthy climates, and charismatic people. Living in this beautiful country is just a benefit!"

The National Geographic Traveler predicted in December of 2004: "Panama is now where Costa Rica was 10 years ago. Panama is getting ready to explode."

"Boom" I can hear the distant rumbling of a Big Boom yet to come!